Friday, January 1, 2016

World Day of Peace

January 1st, New Year's Day is mots known in the Catholic world as the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.  Indeed this Solemnity is also a holy day of obligation so all Catholics attend Mass today.  This Solemnity completes what we call the Christmas Octave.  Octave translated is the number eight.  Catholic teaching tells us that so great a Feast is Christmas that it is celebrate as if an Octave, for eight days it as if we are celebrating Christmas at every liturgy.  Therefore, January 1st, this Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, completes the Christmas Octave.

Less known among Catholics is that January 1st is also the World Day of Peace.  Masses may be celebrated for this intention.  Ever since the inception of this World Day of Peace the Holy Father issues a message of peace.  Below I am providing the link to the message of Pope Francis for the 2016 World Day of Peace:

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