Monday, October 26, 2015

Teaching 1st graders about the Mass and all the things they see in church

Tonight was my annual tour of the church for 1st graders.  I've been doing this now for about 10 years.  They are always such a joy, eager to learn, eager to share what they already know and just as eager to tell me the name of their dog or cat!  I've changed the tour in recent years to include an explanation of the Mass.  This always helps me identify those kids who are brought to Mass regularly as opposed to those who. sadly, seem to never grace the church except on CCD nights.

The biggest challenge for me is to help explain all the wonderful truths of the church and use words that are relatable.  No, I do not water anything down, but what do words like ciborium, chalice, tabernacle, vestments, etc. mean to 6-7 year old kids?  Somehow, the Holy Spirit helps make it happen.  Try the concept for this age group that Jesus is truly, really present in the Tabernacle, that at Mass the bread and wine that they see becomes the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.  Imagine the questions when we stand before the Crucifix explaining to young skulls the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Yet, somehow, the tour concludes, the children, by their questions, appear to have paid attention even having moments of "I get it" and then they can't wait to show me that they know the Our Father and the Hail Mary and can properly make the Sign of the Cross.

Overall, I had 21 children present tonight for the tour and I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to help them understand more about Jesus, his incredible love for us and the great gift He left us in His Holy Catholic Church!!

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