Sunday, October 18, 2015

One of the best feelings in the world is Sunday night exhaustion coupled with Sunday night satisfaction

Wendy and I are settling in to our Sunday night routine; at least the routine established about 3 months ago.  Since returning to St. Jane de Chantal Church in Abita Springs, LA I have been to deacon assigned to our 6 PM Sunday night Mass; what we affectionately refer to as our "last chance" Mass.  It is our youth Mass too and the music is more contemporary as opposed to traditional and normally our readers, ushers, servers all come from our youth group.  When Mass is over and the Church locked up for the evening Wendy and I return home for a little dinner, a favorite TV show or Sunday night football and then finally, time for bed before the work week begins.  When I am particularly tired because a particular weekend is a little more demanding than another, I am both exhausted and satisfied.  This would be one such weekend!

I have posted before about the incredible busy activity maintained at St. Jane's most weekends.  This weekend, I wound up assisting at 4 Masses; not normal at all but happily I will explain.  I was assigned two Masses to assist and preach at as this was deacon's preaching weekend!  I preached at both the 6 PM vigil Mass on Saturday night, as the LSU game was being taped on the trusty DVR and then the Mass just recently concluded tonight.  We also have a vigil Mass at 4 PM at our mission church, St. Michael's in Bush, LA.  Now Abita Springs is still considered by many as rural but Bush is rural squared.  It truly is a country church in a more isolated part of our church parish boundaries.  St. Michael's is about 20 miles by road from St. Jane's.  Yesterday our 4th Degree Knights of Columbus visited the parishioners who worship at St. Michael's and a small reception was planned for after Mass.  I am the chaplain for the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus so I assisted that Mass too, getting to work with brother Deacon Don Bourgeois who preached the homily.  So if you are paying attention, I assisted both vigils and traveled between churches all in a matter of a few hours. 

Sunday morning dawned beautiful in these parts and our 9 AM Mass was first up.  Our senior deacon, Frans Lebranche would be preaching.  Deacon Frans called to tell me we had no altar servers.  So I thought it would be the right thing to do to take in the 9 AM Mass as well, assisting the Mass, almost as an altar server, and listening to another homily.  I actually got to hear two brother Deacons preach while preaching myself!  I also attended the benefit spaghetti dinner for a short visit before getting some time off at home before returning to St. Jane's for tonight's final Mass of the weekend.  During the day, I prepared for my Bible study lesson and always a highlight, got to Skype with our grandchildren, especially Calvin who is quite the entertainer at 37months old.  Katelyn, always beautiful, just does not say much at 3 months of age.

As I sit here tonight on my Sunday evening, I can reflect on the tons of action this week will bring, besides another full week of work.  I have some visits to make at our PSR program tomorrow night, a special speaking event for our 2nd graders who will be receiving 1st Holy Communion next year, and the usual spade of meetings and other activities that come with the life of a Permanent Deacon!

While we pray for our Priests often, and we should, please pray too for all those dedicated men who have answered the call to be Permanent Deacons and who take that call seriously; serving all day, everyday in service to the people of God!

For now, exhausted, and satisfied, or as I like to call it: Holy Contentment!

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