Saturday, November 8, 2014


What kind of word is that?  In the context of why I am asking, it relates to the Permanent Diaconate of the Catholic Church.  Once selected to begin formation, formation takes four full years. The first year is called Aspirancy, thus the men are called Aspirants.  Keep in mind, for those selected to be Aspirants they already have spent a full year in inquiry.  Aspirancy is a full year of foundational study, prayer and discernment.  At the end of the year, aspirants make a prayerful decision to now apply for candidacy.  Those applications, once received, are then carefully and prayerfully reviewed by the church, to affirm the aspirants discerment to continue as a candidate.
As I mentioned, aspirancy is a full year.  Some may discern not to continue others may continue but the church, in her discernment, cannot affirm moving on.  And some indeed move on.
I just finished spending a morning with 26 aspirants.  Their journey is new and fresh and raw.  Please remember to pray not just for clergy, or in seminaru, but include those men in formation for a possible vocation to the Permanent Diaconate!

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