Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An English King and a Catholic Saint; soemthing you won't be seeing anytime soon

St. Edmund the Martyr
Image of St. Edmund the Martyr


Feastday: November 20
Patron of various kings, pandemics, torture victims, and wolves, the Roman Catholic diocese of East Anglia, the English county of Suffolk, Douai Abbey, Toulouse
Death: 869

Martyred king of the East Angles. He was elected king in 855 at the age of fourteen and began ruling Suffolk, England, the following year. In 869 or 870, the Danes invaded Edmund�s realm, and he was captured at Hone, in Suffolk. After extreme torture, Edmund was beheaded and died calling upon Jesus. His shrine brought about the town of Bury St. Edmund's. He is depicted as crowned and robed as a monarch, holding a scepter, orb, arrows, or a quiver.

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