Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pope Francis prayers for peace on anniversary of WWII atrocity

Pope invokes Prince of Peace on anniversary of Nazi atrocity


(Vatican Radio) The Archbishop of Pisa, Paul Giovanni Benotto, received a telegram today from Pope Francis, signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, where the pontiff recalled the 560 victims - including two priests - killed in Stazzema, Tuscany, by Nazi troops  on August 12, 1944.
“On this occasion,” the telegram reads, “the Pope invokes the Prince of Peace that He might strengthen the common commitment to a fraternal coexistence of peoples and nations.” And, the text continues, “he entrusts the families of the victims, and all the inhabitants of those places that have been so sorely tried, to the maternal comfort of the Blessed Virgin.” Finally, the Holy Father imparts his Apostolic Blessing to the authorities and to all those present for the commemoration of the event. 

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