Sunday, March 9, 2014

The incredible past 2 weeks in the life of Deacon Mike

I love life!  I love my life!  It is much more easier these days to be so open in telling anyone and everyone that I love my life, my family, my friends, my ministry and that I am intimately in love with God!!  God the Father is indeed my "papa" and Christ the Son is my friend, brother and Lord & Savior!  I love the Holy Spirit, and the promptings I receive from the Spirit at times when all else would normally fail me.

That intense love relationship I have with God has helped me in all my relationships in life, and all the good times, bad times, easy times and tough times.

In just the past two weeks I have experienced so many highs and lows, ups and downs but I was able to embrace the totality of it all because of my relationship with the triune God.  A little over two weeks ago, when all was rocking and rolling along just fine, my wife called me to tell me that her cardiologist was very pessimistic about a recent chemical stress test, something she routinely does every year to year and a half.  He quickly scheduled her for an angiogram and prepared her for all the possibilities which included surgery.  We faced an anxious weekend, even though we were lifted by a weekend of ministry and an incredible amount of prayers and offers of help.  At the same time this was playing out, I received word of the passing of a member of our deacon community family, beloved Courtney, at the tender age of 38.  Devoted wife and mother of 3 young children, she bravely fought against her illness with faith and devotion and a zest for life. 

On Tuesday of two weeks past, I delivered Wendy to her angiogram appointment at 5:00 A.M. and she had her procedure complete at 7:30 A.M.  Her doctor came in to tell me that my wife of nearly 37 years would be fine for now, no surgery.  Yes, she faces some challenges to keep her heart healthy but she will do what is necessary to get better.  Hey, Wendy and I are even talking about embracing a heart association approved vegetarian diet.  If we pursue this, pray for me often!  Within 24 hours of getting Wendy back home, I braced myself to attend the funeral of beloved Courtney.  It was a cold raw day for the hour long ride to Laplace for the funeral.  Once there, I simply found her husband, Lee, embraced him and simply let him know I was present for him.  I was so buoyed by the turnout of the diaconate community as we said our final goodbye's.  Without being too morbid, it was quite an emotional experience to be present at the funeral liturgy, aware that a husband and children and so many others were hurting.  I must admit, I wondered for a moment, if ever faced with that same reality, could I be as strong and as faithful as Leon and his family. 

As is often the case in the life of a deacon, I had to switch gears again as the week proceeded.  As Wendy continued to heal, it was time for a wedding.  On Friday of that week, it was time to marry Jennifer and Loren.  It was indeed a wonderful sacramental wedding celebration for a couple who truly understand the power of having their Catholic faith paramount in their life together as man and wife!  I was honored to have prepared them, assist at the nuptial mass and preach at the wedding.  Now I did forego relaxing and partying for two reasons, getting home to Wendy and preparing to leave the very next morning for North Carolina and # 1 grandson.

Saturday a week ago we took off and drove all the way to our destination in one day.  We stopped for Mass in South Carolina so when we arrived, Calvin was already in bed.  So our rendezvous with #1 grandson came at 8 A.M. Sunday morning.  Every minute possible of Sunday, then Monday, then Tuesday and Wednesday morning was spent with Calvin. 

We did a whole bunch of grandparent things; spoiled him, bought him presents, took him for rides, played with him, wore him out.  On Monday, despite the fact that rain was falling that quickly turned to sleet and snow, we had a Mardi Gras parade in the family garage.  We taught Calvin how to throw Mardi Gras beads and taught him the colors of purple, green & gold!  On Monday night I faced the dilemma of driving home to our local hotel on ice covered and slushy roads; something I've done very little of living in New Orleans most of my life.  With lots of focus and prayers, we made it home just fine!  Tuesday was indeed Mardi Gras Day and this year was my birthday.  So my entire family took me out to lunch and that night, we had birthday cake.  But make no mistake, my best birthday all day was another day with Calvin; #1 grandson!

This whole time I am paying close attention to Wendy, making sure she is healing well both in energy and at the sight of her incision.  With all well, we faced that Wednesday reality of leaving for home but not before a nice 3-hour visit and a trip to bring him to day care.  It turned out to be both cute and sweet, as Calvin took me by the hand and literally drug me to the front door.  He did give us a hug and a kiss and a goodbye, but he was off to play in an instant.  And then Wendy and I headed home, taking the balance of Wednesday and Thursday morning to drive home.

Quite a whirlwind week, from Wendy's medical procedure, to visiting with our grandson, to the high of realizing Wendy would be OK, the low of a funeral and the high of a wedding.  Life marches on, in our coming in and our going out.  Life marches on in our joys and sorrows.  Life marches on in our hello's and our goodbye's.

By the time we arrived at Friday, I was all in ministry mode.  I prepared for my next wedding, some diaconate ministry coming up quickly and on Friday night, assisted at MHT for Benediction and our 1st Friday evening Mass.  I even went to work for several hours on Saturday and then dined with my daughter for my birthday visit with her.  Unexpected dinner with good friends made for a nice cap to Saturday before we sprung those clocks forward.  By the way, I hate daylight savings time.  Today was my Sunday to assist the 9 and 11 A.M. masses.  Being the first Sunday of Lent and the fact that our Pastor did a teaching mass, it was quite a unique and busy liturgy morning.  My Sunday was topped off with a nice Skype session with my son and #1 grandson!

It indeed has been an incredible 2 weeks and a time to help me realize again how much I love life, love my family and love my relationship with God.  So tonight I'm contently exhausted, prepared for a great week of work and ministry and ready to embrace all that life and God has in store.

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