Thursday, February 6, 2014

Just my personal response to President Obama's WORDS at the National Prayer Breakfast

“The killing of the innocent is never fulfilling God’s will…” President Barack Obama, spoken today at the national prayer breakfast. Well I have a quote too Mr. President: "it's only words and words are all I have". With due and proper respect, and my continued prayers for the President, I have to call B.S. The President was speaking of terrorism. All true. But if your words mean something, if killing the innocent is NEVER fulfilling God's will then shake off political influence and become a champion for the unborn. Denounce Planned Parenthood, advocate for the end of killing babies. And yes, as a strong nation, we should also denounce any thoughts of euthanasia and end the death penalty. Yes, Mr. President, your words are true: killing the innocent is NEVER fulfilling God's will. And ACTION speak louder than words!

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