Saturday, January 25, 2014

Michael Voris: when Catholics go wrong, very wrong

Michael Voris tries to create divisons at the March for Life

>>>  On this Feast of the conversion of St. Paul, some thought Voris could be another St. Paul, others a John the Baptist.  Yet a more thorough examination of who he is, his works and his tactics, indicate this guy believes he is holier than the Pope and ironically, would probably blast Jesus and the Apostles if he were alive back in the day,

My advice to Catholics, leave this guy alone, there's nothing really to see here!

Who goes to the March for Life, asks a structurally flawed question to participants, and then uses the results of his survey to fuel a self-serving and divisive agenda?

Michael Voris does, that’s who.

It seems that furthering ugly divisions within the Catholic Church is not enough for Voris, and so now he has decided to turn his sights on the pro-life movement as well.

In the last few hours he has published a new video, filmed at this year’s March for Life in Washington DC, in which he surveys participants about their personal views on the use of birth control, and then, you guessed it, uses the results of his survey as a weapon to attack with: “for anybody in the church of nice who thinks that things are just moving along nicely, you couldn’t be more wrong. One third of the most pro-life committed crowd supports contraception.”

Michael Voris needs to be strongly condemned for this latest little self-serving publicity stunt.

Yes, I’m angry about this.

Not just because it is a pointless and terribly divisive thing to do at such a positive and important event as the March for Life.

Not just because it displays a completely ignorant understanding of the fact that personal formation normally involves a gradual deepening and movement towards the fullness of truth, rather than an instantaneous awareness about everything.

But most importantly of all, what Voris has done here is totally imbecilic, in that:

a. He has asked people a structurally flawed question

b. He has completely failed to understand the March for Life

c. He has selectively used the results of his survey

Let me explain…

A structurally flawed question

Firstly, the question that Voris has asked participants here is structurally unsound.

He asks them:

“Do you think a couple using birth control is always wrong in every circumstance?”

He then laments the fact that almost one third of the people questioned answered “no” to his question.

Anyone with half an ounce of commonsense can see the massive flaw here, and any well formed Catholic can tell you that it would actually be okay to answer “no” to the question Voris asked.

For example, any married couple using birth control for non-contraceptive purposes (using an anovulant as a treatment for another medical condition is one obvious example) would not actually be acting contrary to Catholic moral teaching, which actually allows for such an action to take place.

Then there’s the issue of Natural Family Planning (NFP), which, technically speaking, is actually a form of birth control, and which Catholic moral teaching says is perfectly acceptable for married couples to use when they have sound reasons to avoid pregnancy.

The funny thing is that at the start of the video (at the 40 second mark), Michael Voris states that he asked people the following, DIFFERENT, question:

“Is birth control, used as birth control, always wrong, in every situation”

But, as is seen in the subsequent clips of him interviewing March for Life participants, he didn’t actually ask people that question – which is structurally a better question (still not totally perfect, because NFP can technically be classed as a form of birth control) – instead he asked the flawed question: “Do you think a couple using birth control is always wrong in every circumstance?”

The end result of course is that his findings are totally unreliable for the purposes he is trying to use them for – to suggest that nearly one third of pro-lifers at the March for Life do not support the Catholic teaching on artificial birth control.

This brings me to the second major flaw in Voris’ video:

Failure to understand the March for Life

Michael Voris is speaking and acting as if the March for Life is an exclusively Catholic event, when it actually is not.

Not only is this event attended by Protestants, and people of other religious faiths, but it is also attended by non-religious pro-lifers as well – and this year the March for Life organisers went to great lengths to get even more Protestants than usual to attend the march.

With this in mind, one really has to question why Michael Voris would be:

a. Lambasting people, who may well not even be Catholic, for holding beliefs that are not Catholic.


b. Lambasting the Catholic Church for the personal opinions of people at an event that attracts non-Catholics, non-Christians and non-religious people.

Selective use of survey results

This last point is kind of obvious.

Michael Voris has conducted a survey, which finds that MORE than two thirds of people questioned actually support the position he wants them to support (leaving aside the issue of the flawed question for a moment), and yet he still decides to spin his findings in the negative and point to the less than a third of people who didn’t hold that position.

What kind of person ignores the overwhelming majority in this way?

Someone who is deliberately and selectively looking for a negative angle to present in order further their own close-minded agenda.

Thanks, but no thanks Michael. Our movement has had more than its fair share of destructive divisions, petty jealousies and empire builders, and the last thing we need is yet another one – especially in light of the positive developments that have taken place in the pro-life movement in recent years, with far greater cross-denominational and inter-organisational unity than ever before in our movement’s history.

It’s one thing to have the truth create division, but it’s another thing altogether to create divisions by doing stupid things – this video is a case of the later, and for that it deserves to be strongly condemned.

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