Thursday, September 19, 2013

Local news reaction to pope Francis interview; is the focus being reported fairly?

New Orleans religious leaders, LGBT community react to pope's message of love for all       

    NEW ORLEANS —Pope Francis is giving more controversial comments on homosexuality and religion. For the second time this year, the pontiff spoke on why the Catholic Church and faiths around the world should not judge homosexuals.
    The pope's thoughts on homosexuality have garnered much attention. In a lengthy interview he expounded on comments he made in July, saying Catholic doctrine condemns homosexual acts, but gays and lesbians must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity.
    "He actually says that God treats all people with respect and so should you, or anyone, and that's big because a lot of people have used religion to discriminate against gay people," said John Hill, with the Forum for Equality.
    Archbishop Gregory Aymond, of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, said the pope's comments offer a message of acceptance.
    "No matter what someone has done, what someone believes in, God still loves them, and we as church have to open our arms and our hearts to care for them and do the best we can to bring Christ to them," Aymond said.
    American Catholics have criticized the pope for not speaking on signature political issues like abortion, gays and contraception. In response, he said the church’s teachings are clear, and it's not necessary to always talk about these divisive issues.
    "Many people are coming at issues in a very different way today than they would have years ago, and we can't write those people off." Aymond said. "We have to use it as an opportunity to explain, and those who disagree or feel very differently than us, we have to reach out to them and to be compassionate and loving."
    "The people know what the church teaches, so it's not a change in doctrine,” said Tom Ryan, of the Loyola Institute of Ministry. “It definitely is a change in emphasis; a move from focusing on particular issues to an emphasis on God's love."
    However, Ryan adds much attention has gone to the pontiff's comments on homosexuality and not his true message.

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