Monday, August 26, 2013

From the Deacon's Bench: a letter from a Priest to a new Deacon

Letter to a new deacon

One of the Redemptorist priests I met last week on retreat was Fr. John McKenna. He was excited to share with me the news that a friend of his from a previous parish was about to be ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Wilmington. (The deacon is Jim Mueller—one of nine men ordained Saturday.)
Over the weekend, Fr. John sent me a copy of a letter he wrote to Deacon Jim. Reading it over, I couldn’t help but think: “Every deacon should be blessed with a priest like this in his life.” With Fr. John’s permission, I share it here:
Dear Jim:
With God’s help I will be with you, your wife and family and a big contingent of the parishioners from Our Lady of Lourdes parish tomorrow for your ordination. Thank you for saying Yes to God’s gentle but persistent call and invitation. Thank you for your long hours of sacrifice to prepare not just for this day, but for your ministry. You have always been a blessing for the parish, and now you will be even more.
Once I was at a ceremony of final profession for two Redemptorists. The preacher began his homily, “ You have no idea what you’re in for!” From all of us, “veterans” there were roars of knowing laughter. I tell you the same. We who minister to God’s people get a special glimpse into peoples’ lives. We are with them in key moments of joy, sorrow, pain, and transitions. There will be blessings beyond belief as you are invited into the lives of people in deeper and different ways.

The entire article here:;postID=1921125220045125730

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