Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beautiful tribute and editorial from the Times Picayune thanking Ambassador Lindy Boggs for a life of service

Farewell and thank you to the incomparable Lindy Boggs: Editorial

The Editorial Board, | The Times-Picayune By The Editorial Board, | The Times-Picayune
on July 27, 2013  

Marie Corinne Morrison Claiborne Boggs -- known simply as Lindy -- was groundbreaking, tenacious and, above all, gracious. She made a mark on her beloved home state and her nation that isn't likely to be equaled.
Her death Saturday at age 97 leaves a void not only for her family but also for Louisianians, and especially for New Orleanians.
Widowed at 56 when the plane carrying her husband, U.S. Rep. Hale Boggs, disappeared over Alaska, she won a special election for a seat in Congress in 1973 to represent the New Orleans area. She transformed herself from his partner into a dynamic and highly effective member of the House of Representatives over 18 years, serving on the powerful Appropriations Committee.
In 1997, at age 81, she was named by President Bill Clinton to be ambassador to the Holy See in Rome. As a devout Catholic, and with her gift for connecting with people, she was particularly suited to the diplomatic post.
Mrs. Boggs achieved a significant list of firsts: First woman elected to Congress from Louisiana; first woman to chair the Democratic National Convention, which she did in 1976; the only woman to have a room in the Capitol named for her; co-founder of the Women's Congressional Caucus.
She fought for resources for her district and to give women equal treatment under the law. In just her second year in Congress, she persuaded the Banking and Currency Committee to agree that women shouldn't be denied credit based on gender or marital status. She penciled in those categories, noting that other members must have simply forgotten to do so. They were approved as part the landmark Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974.
Growing up in New Roads, she said in her 1994 memoir, she was prepared "to be a good wife and a mother, keep a pretty house, and foster and participate in some cultural outlets." By all accounts, she did so impeccably. But even before her election to Congress, she did far more than care for family and act as a hostess. She was a partner in her husband's political efforts and was adept at organization and fund-raising. "Lindy was a true fighter," Gov. Bobby Jindal said Saturday. "But she did it with incredible grace, and the people of Louisiana are grateful for her service."
Mrs. Boggs returned to her longtime home on Bourbon Street when her stint at the Vatican ended in 2001 and opened her doors to many lucky visitors. She had more recently moved to Maryland to be closer to her children and their families.
But she was a New Orleanian and a Louisianian no matter where she happened to be.

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