Sunday, March 24, 2013

We celebrate the liturgy!

179 Who celebrates the liturgy?

In all earthly liturgies, Christ the Lord himself is the one who celebrates the cosmic →LITURGY, which encompasses angels and men, the living and the dead, the past, present, and future, heaven and earth. →PRIESTS and believers participate in different ways in Christ’s divine worship. [1136-1139]
When we celebrate the →LITURGY, we must prepare ourselves interiorly for the great thing that takes place in it: here and now Christ is present and, with him, all of heaven. There everyone is filled with unspeakable joy and at the same time with loving care for us. The last book of Sacred Scripture, Revelation, portrays in mysterious images this liturgy to which we here on earth join our voices. 170
It (the liturgy) is entering into the liturgy of the heavens that has always been taking place. . . . It is not the case that you think something up and then sing it; instead, the song comes to you from the angels.

JOSEPH RATZINGER / POPE BENEDICT XVI, “In the Presence of the Angels I Will Sing Your Praise” in A New Song for the Lord

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