Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 in review at the abitadeacon

2012 was a huge year here on the blog.  Some highlights:

January 2012: Posts including the end of Christmas season and the early beginning of political season.  Several posts centered on the early results in various Republican primaries.  At the end of January, Romney was not yet a shoe-in.  Other posts centered around the annual March for Life and other Pro-Life posts.  And yes, we blogged about the Saints who came up short vs San Francisco despite a 13-3 regular season and the LSU Tigers who laid an egg vs Alabama despite a 13-0 regular season.  Yikes!

February 2012:  More politics dominating this month as the February results pointed to a Romney - Santorum two way race for the Repubs to face off against Obama.  There were multiple posts about Komen and Planned Parenthood.  A couple of big announcements: 7 new Saints for the Church including two Americans and several new Cardinals too including NY Archbisop Timothy Dolan.  We did not forget Mardi Gras and the start of Lent.

March 2012: We began to hear the acronym HHS, as in mandate and several posts explored the tension between the federal government and the Catholic Church.  Lenten posts included first hand reports of Fr. Cedrick Pisegna's visit to Abita Springs for a great Lenten mission.  Bounty gate reared it's ugly head as the Saints were soon to find out just how devastating that would be and we followed the Pope in Mexico and Cuba.

April 2012: We reported on end of Lent activities including Holy Week and a miracle reported at a New Orleans Catholic Church.  Easter joy was ushered in followed by Divine Mercy.  We heard more about the HHS mandate and also heard about the big dust up coming between the Vatican and some American nuns.  We had some reports about ongoing negotians between the Vatican and the SSPX.

May 2012: We learned of the player/coaches penalties for the Saints for bountygate.  They were harsh.  More discussions ensued on the political atmosphere and what impact Catholics have on elections.  We moved into Pentecost in May and saw the ordination of Deacons in New Orleans, these of the transitional variety.  Even more discussions about the SSPX ensued.

June 2012:  Personally I celebrated my 35th wedding anniversary, changed jobs, and vacationed in North Carolina with our son & daughter in law(pre Calvin) and visited Catholic places like Belmont Abbey and the Shrine at EWTN.  More posts about HHS, religion and politics, SSPX.  We reported on good news for the New Orleans Hornets and a Fox News reporter going to work for the Pope.

July 2012: We celebrated the nations birthday as I transitioned to my first new job in 18 years.  We said godbye to Andy Griffith.  We saw the start of the Summer Olympics in London.  The HHS mandate kicked in and more controversy followed the whole religious liberty discussion.  I posted about my Sunday assisting a Bishop from India.  And we saw gun violence in Colorado at a movie theatre.

August 2012: The Olympics kept us busy and politics heated up.  The selection of Catholic VP running mate Paul Ryan made for some news.  Cardinal Dolan made some too as he invited both Romney and Obama to the Al Smith Dinner.  We experienced more gun violence at a Sikh Temple.  At home we braced for Hurricane Isaac and got unexpected and surprising damage in normally safe areas.

September 2012: Aftermath of Isaac, another Labor Day without Jerry Lewis, the political parties wrapped up their conventions as Cardinal Dolan offered prayers at both.  The unfortunate end of Fr. Groeschel's programs on EWTN. But the biggest news of all came this month with the arrival of Calvin, my #1 grandson.  How exciting.  I also could not resist posting on the despicable start to the 2012 NFL season for the Saints and LSU football got underway.

October 2012: Politics heats up through the debates and the HHS mandate, the Catholic Church and the subject of abortion are hot topics.  We shifted into fall and we saw the Synod of Bishops and the commencement of the Year of Faith.  Daily postings from the Catechism are helping us to read the Catechism in a year for the Year of Faith.  Saints start winning some but not enough.  LSU is 7-1.  I love being a grandpa.

November 2012: Obama is reelected President of the USA in what turns out to be a not even close election.  We celebrated All Saints, All Souls, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.  I posted about my solo trip to North Carolina to spend a long weekend with my #1 grandson.  We ended the liturgical year with Viva Cristo Rey and began Advent.  And I posted regularly about the upcoming ordination of 20 new Deacons for Archdiocese of New Orleans!

December 2012:  The ordination of 20 new Deacons and the role I played that day.  Over the month my posts about the 4 weddings I was involved with including witnessing the vows for 3 of them.  Plenty of posts from the road as Wendy and I ventured back to North Carolina for our Christmas visit with Calvin.  We addressed the horror at an elementary school in CT.  Plenty of posts about Advent.  Plenty of posts about Christmas.  I had a nice post about a couple of Baptisms and my last visit for 2012 at Rayburn.

A busy active 2012 here at the abitadeacon.

Thank you for your readership.  Come by often and tell your friends and family!

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