Recent events most certainly prove the intent of my headline above. In just the last few weeks we witnessed the news events of the vote in North Carolina affirming marriage as between a man and a woman then the announcement by President Obama that he has evolved to be able to personally accept marriage between same-sex couples. The truth of the matter in these two events is that a proposal was voted upon in a southern, conservative state and the results are in. As is normally the case in any election, them that wins the vote are happy; them that lose not so much. As far as President Obama and his ever flip-flopping statements, in this case forced upon him by a Vice-President who constantly let's his mouth overload his backside, who cares what he thinks. However, the President makes the statement that Jesus would be for this or that and his evolution is prompted by the golden rule. For sincere people of faith this can only be greeted by a response of: what?
In the days since these tumultuous events many people, including those who are in the "faith-based" business have tried to comment, like the President, that God would want this or that. They offer no "faith-based" reason but are simply expressing a God that matched their personal belief system or perhaps their political views. Even for many people of faith, including clerics, their political DNA often forces them to be at odds with being obedient to the teachings of Jesus Christ, or the Church. In other words, to go along to get along, it is easier to opine in a manner that says I'm in control of God's image.
We have NO RIGHT, to recreate or misrepresent God, His teachings, and for those of us who are Roman Catholics, the teachings of the Church, handed down to the Apostles and found today in the Magisterium; the teaching authority of the Pope and the Bishops faithful to the Pope and the Church. When one who proposes that he/she is Catholic but I disagree with the Church, I know what God means, God could not possibly think "X" or mean :"Y", he tries to be the creator, not the creature. He demands a God that did not create him in God's image; rather he demands a God that he can mold and shape into whatever makes him feel good.
Now those who read this and agree probably think I'm referring only to those things that would be "conservative". If we trust in the Holy Scriptures and the Catechism, we know that God wants us to be happy with Him, here on earth and forever in Heaven. There is enough to gleen from these holy works to know that many things do not align with God's will. Therefore, teachings that affirm marriage as one man one woman, abortion is intrinsically evil, and other life issues are God's will and still taught faithfully by the Church. So yes, those who object to these things, to suit personal and political whims are making a God in their own image.
But this does not stop with issues that tend to curry favor with the political right. We must always remember, God, and the Church, are neither Democrat or Republican. So we who convince ourselves that I don't need to go to Mass on Sundays, or I can go to Communion without worrying about Reconciliation, or my wife and I can practice artificial contraception, even get sterilized, or have a baby using those techniques that create and at the same time destroy life, or those who have a lock them up and throw away the key mentality about prisoners, or support the death penalty to promote revenge(an eye for an eye), or all immigrants must be sent packing and mistreated when we find them, or those who think it is OK to bully or humiliate or discriminate against people who are homosexual, lesbian, etc. No all these things, and many others are evidence that as a people, we disregard God as our creator. We disregard God as having a holy will, for us personally, and all of us for His greater glory.
When we hear the Church under attack, when we witness even clergy or religious taking the side of politicians or others over the will of God and the teachings of the Church, do we defend, do we affirm, do we proudly, yet with compassion, teach the truth!
Over the years we have come to accept people for who they are in remarkable strides over just 10, 20, 30, 50 years ago. If you love God, with your whole heart and soul, if you are Catholic, in word and deed, if you can honestly receive Jesus in the Eucharist with a robust AMEN, then WHO WE ARE should allow all peoples; ALL PEOPLES to accept us too; for our faith, for our fidelity to the truth and ability to love one another and help them on their journey; to be happy with God, in this life and forever in Heaven!
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