Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Mass Translations; ready or not two weeks and counting.

November 27th is two weeks away and the we all should know by now that this year's First Sunday of Advent, Cycle B, is also day 1 of the new Roman Missal.  Are you ready?  Has your church parish prepared you vigorously or just keeps mentioning soemthing is changing?  Have you done some research?  Perhaps in your parish they are already using some of the new musical arrangements?  In any event, the change is two weeks away.  After you celebrate the Feast of Christ the King next weekend, you will then face the changes, ready or not?

In my home parish, we have conducted a comprehensive six week course with our last class this coming Tuesday night.  We have had a nice turnout; but 40 people ain't a parish.  We began introducing the musical responses and now our congregation is using the Gloria, the Alleluia, the response at the Mystery of Faith and the Great Amen.  They began hearing the sung Sanctus and Agnus Dei as reflections after Communion.

We are in possession of our new missals and I'm most amazed at the rich changes in the prayers of each Sunday.  Much more emphasis on God and not so much us; with a sincere plea for God's action in our lives.  I'm really concerned about how much attention the "average" parishioner has paid attention.  Thank the God Lord for pew cards and missalettes.

Before I leave this post please remember, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is NOT changing.  We are changing the English responses, prayers, etc to align our words to those of the original words of the Mass which were written in Latin.  I hope all will embrace these "changes" and allow them to help lift your praise and worship to God in the Mass!

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