Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God is good(all the time) God answers prayers(all the time)

I am always amazed how we Christians respond to good news.  When we share stories that our health is good, the medical tests are favorable or the promotion came through, or the storm passed without harm, or other such good news events we proclaim: God is good; God certainly answered our prayers.  And rightly so!  God is good and He does answer prayers.

But God is good all the time and he answers prayers all the time.  When the good news in our lives is not so good, God is still good.  When our prayer petition doesn't seem to work out the way we want it to, God is still hearing us and answering us.  All the time God is good.  I always find it funny how members of opposing teams and their fans pray to the same God to slaughter the opposition.  Did God hear only the prayers of the winning side?  After Hurricane Katrina I overheard two friends talking; one described his near total loss, the other the inconvenience of only a downed tree.  And the latter proclaimed: I guess God just blessed us more.  What?  God is continuing to bless us and hear our prayers, always, all the time!

I was compelled to jot these thoughts down tonight when a good friend, just having received good medical news, reminded me that in the totality of his illness, the good and the bad, God is right there, guiding and helpin him and answering his prayers.  And he reminded me, God is good, all the time!

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