Monday, February 28, 2011

March already

Yes, we are moving head on into March; for me the last of the nice months. The recent turnaround in weather here in the deep south has served as a reminder that I really dislike summer and hot weather. Since about Valentine's Day we leaped from one of the colder winters ever to hot. We have even broken record highs recently. And hotter weather means the grass starts to grow; troublesome enough but much more so when all the batteries are dead on the lawn tractors. Nothing I can do about it for now as my upcoming schedule is hectic squared.

The month of March will bring a change of seasons; and I'm not talking about winter to spring. In just a little over a week the Church begins the discipline of Lent. The wonderful and rich season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving starts on Ash Wednesday, March 9th. For us here in the New Orleans area that means we are celebrating an unusually late Mardi Gras with parades and festivities; many of which are not very polite, to be polite. Once Lent starts we begin Stations of the Cross, and many parishes will have Lenten fish fries. Lent is a special time in the liturgical cycle.

March does bring some nice family memories as my birthday is the 4th and our son's is the next day, March 5th. On March 12th I will remember my mom on her birthday; she would be 89 if still with us!

The big event of the month in ministry is the Kairos Prison retreat. This year the event is from the 17th through the 20th. This 4 day event brings us into the Rayburn prison for intense prayer, reflection and fellowship.

So March is here. May God Bless our days in the month ahead and may he give me the courage to say farewell to cool weather.

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