Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Deacon and Baptism

One of the many opportunities that flows from who the Deacon is would be to preside at Baptisms. In the case of the Deacon, he must only baptize children up to the age of 7. At the age of 7 and above, Baptism is reserved to a Priest.

As a Deacon of some two years I have not had that many opportunities to baptize. Since I spent the first two years of ministry at St. Jane's in Abita Springs I was one of four deacons assigned to the parish; not to mention two priests. Naturally we took turns at Baptisms. Each and every opportunity to baptize a beautiful new Christian has been a wonderfully rewarding experience with profound spiritual significance.

It looks like I may have additional opportunities to preside at Baptisms at my new parish assignment at Most Holy Trinity. I have my first scheduled Baptismal seminar tomorrow.

Yesterday I returned to St. Jane's to preside at the Baptism of a beautiful girl, named Isabella, who is the 1st grandchild of very close friends. What a joy to watch the new parents bringing their child to church for her new birth in the Lord. It is especially joyful when, in this case, my wife and I watched the momma growing up as a pre-teen, teenager, and now a wife and new mom. Isabella was so good throughout the Baptism, even when I got water in her eyes. All Baptisms are glorious. This one was more personal.

The rite of Baptism is beautiful in itself; the welcoming, the readings from Scripture, the litany of the Saints, the annointing with oil of catechumen, the blessing of the water, the pouring of water on the new Christian saying the words: I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then the annointing with sacred chrism; all of this in the tradition of the Church for centuries.

Isabella endured it all and is now a new creature in Christ, reborn on this particular Saturday with dozens of witnesses from her family and their friends.

I give thanks to God for Isabella, and all the beautiful children I have been privileged to Baptize. May God continue to raise up more new Christians from families who long to serve Him through His holy Church!

1 comment:

  1. I always loved the ministry of baptizing children! We always baptized in groups and sometimes there would be 6 or more babies receiving this beautiful Sacrament. I even had the honor of baptizing one of my own grandchildren. He received the name James Joseph following my son's name of James. I especially loved giving a little homily after the reading. It really is a joyful day for all, parents, relatives, the newly baptized children and the minister!
    Deacon John Giglio
