Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another year comes to an end

2010 is just about done and it's time to reflect. For me personally, and many from these parts, 2010 will always be remembered as the year the New Orleans Saints won the SuperBowl. That historic victory by the men in black & gold was much more than a win on the football field but a win for a city and region that needed the emotional high the win provided. The Super Bowl aftermath has kept us sky high all year and the overall body of work in this season by our Saints has been great!

On a personal note what another great year. Our son Jimmy was married in May and our daughter Elizabeth successfully navigated Europe this summer. Additionally, she has passed some very important tests to prepare her for both graduate school and a teaching career. Wendy and I celebrated anniversary # 33.

Career wise I turned up the heat in my new position with the bank and was fortunate enough to earn great results in 2010. Being part of a new bank-wide business initiative and being a leader in those efforts was personally gratifying.

Much of 2010 as I reflect focuses on ministry. I had another full year of service to the men at Rayburn including my first experience with the Kairos retreat. My reflections back in March are worth a quick re-read to gauge the importance of this ministry. I baptized more new Catholics and presided at my first wedding. And I assisted in a much more involved way with the formation of our deacon candidates including the homily work for our recently ordained deacons. Ordination, celebrated just 3 weeks ago, was beautifully overwhelming! And the end of 2010 came the announcement of my new assignment as a deacon to the people at Most Holy Trinity Parish, which I look forward to eagerly, but will face saying a more permanent good-bye to the wonderful folks at St. Jane's.

On a bigger scale, we witnessed the devastation in Haiti, the horrible effects of the BP oil spill while escaping any harm from hurricanes. The economy stayed in the tank for all of 2010 and we saw the fallout in a pretty historic national election.

Through all of this it is always good to remember that God is faithful. No matter what happens in any year or no matter how we approach yet another New Year, the one thing we can depend on is God. He continues to care for us and asks us to trust only in Him.

Take some time this weekend to reflect back and look forward and pray for the wisdom to always remain in God's presence!

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