Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years later; never forget

Everytime I wrote the date today, I remembered something about that day 8 years ago. This morning at Mass, we offered a special prayer of remembrance. Outside our KC hall, one of our members, George, lowered the flag to half staff. And all across the country, we remembered.

May we pray every day for the souls who lost their lives, those who grieve their loss, for those injured, those who were impacted in deeply personal ways. We pray for police officers, firefighters, all first responders for their bravery and their continued commitment to serve. For our military who continue to fight terrorism across the globe. And we say a pray for those who would hate and carry out such terror. Yes, they must be prayed for too. They need a deep personal metanoia; a change of heart. And pray for our nation and all peoples of the world to live in harmony, brotherhood and peace.

In a special tribute to 9-11, the Knights of Columbus ran a beautiful ad during last nights pro football season opener. Take a look:

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