Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Theology of the Deacon means there are no such things as Deacon Couples

I was having a perfectly wonderful day this Wednesday and then I saw this over at Deacon Greg's Blog, courtesy of another blogger named Frank Weathers:

An interesting lineup of deacons at this parish…

An alert reader—thank you, Frank Weathers—pointed this out to me, from a parish in California:
Holy Name of Mary Parish Staff:
Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC
Deacons:Marv and Sharon Estey 
Mario and Irene Lopez, Spanish Ministry 
Jose and Maria Guadamuz, Spanish Ministry 
Al and Rita Austin

Yep, seriously, somewhere in California the deacons are listed on the bulletin as the hubby and the wife, male and female if you will.  Once before, about two years ago, also because of an announcement from California I felt compelled to speak out.  Seems a particular diocese was advertising for the next class of deacon couples.  Here is the link to that article:

Let me state the obvious again; despite our profound love for our wives, despite their incredible sacrifices, contributions and support, despite their personal call to holiness, despite everything known to man, there is no such thing as a deacon couple.

Deacons are ordained to be either transitional or permanent.  Yes, about 97% of all permanent deacons are married.  In some dioceses wives must attend everything the husband goes through although this is far from universal teaching.  In many cases, wives indeed minister side-by-side with their ordained husbands but this too is not universal, and not even necessary.  In some cases, our wives have their own ministries and it would be a poverty to imply that those should be abandoned so she could fulfill her life as a "deacon couple".  You see, there is NO SUCH THING!

Good grief y'all.  The theology of the Sacrament of Holy Orders is crystal clear; read the catechism, canon law, the norms for ordination of the deacon.  Read away, there is no such thing as deacon couple just as there is no such thing as women deacons or deaconesses.

Does this sound harsh.  It's not meant to be unless you remain confused about roles, offices, sacraments, theology, obedience, etc.  Again, there are no deacon couples.

I pay honor to my wife everyday since I entered formation and was ordained because she is all support, love, encouragement, prayer-filled, and secure that she ain't co-deacon or deacon couple or whatever other silliness we apply to this discussion.  She, like me, honor and understand our 1st and foremost Sacrament of Service is Matrimony.  And we both understand that we are equal in human dignity and children of the Most High God.

Please deacons, and wives, breathe before you declare some kind of foolishness like we are the deacon couple.  Nope, you're not.


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