Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pope Francis speaks of caregiving at today's weekly audience

Pope at Audience: Family Members Who Help Sick Relatives Are Heroes

Reminds Faithful How Healing for Jesus Was Priority, Even If It Was Saturday

Vatican City State, ( Deborah Castellano Lubov              

Pope Francis has spoken about 'heroes' in the family, namely those who are present for their ill relatives, and has reminded the faithful that difficult moments can strengthen bonds among family members.
During his weekly General Audience address, and continuing his catechesis on the family, he focused on a condition common to all families, namely, illness.
The Holy Father discussed how many times in the Gospels Jesus meets the sick and heals them.
Jesus' desire to cure suffering, the Pontiff underscored, is a central part of his ministry, coming even before observance of the law.  "Even on Saturdays, Jesus healed," Francis said off the cuff. "For Jesus, healing and restoring health came first."
The Successor of Peter went on to say how Jesus sent His disciples to do the same. This is why Jesus gave them the power to heal, touch their deepest wounds, and bring them peace.
The Holy Father acknowledged that the illness of one person can be a very severe trial for all family members.  As Christians, Francis exhorted, "we are called to pray without ceasing for the sick and dying, and to support families where this is being experienced."
The Pope told those gathered to educate children in a way that they show solidarity with the sick, and so that they are not anesthetized to the sufferings of others, but rather are capable of helping the ill and of living fully each human experience.
The Holy Father prayed that the faithful always give thanks to God for all the Church does to support families in times of illness.

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