If anyone has any ideas, I am open. Blogging is not something I'm an expert at. I really had no idea what to expect when this all began in 2009. I never intended to do much more than posts my homilies and my own reflections, perhaps an update on my activities serving the people of God as a Permanent Deacon.
I really liked it and expanded it to include articles from other sources that I deemed interesting and that others would read. I realized early on that this may not be to everyone's liking but it was something I enjoyed doing. I also liked the daily type of things I have continued to do; the Saint of the day and the daily Catechism updates during the Year of Faith.
Nothing has been more popular than the comings and goings of Pope Francis.
So what is the problem? I don't understand blogger's stat's and how various URL's and other sources find or direct folks to this blog. About the same time I came down with a computer virus, long since corrected, my daily readership dropped off, way off. My top news feed, still #1 in my all-time rankings, has not directed a single reader to my blog in over 6 months.
I try to incorporate Facebook, Twitter and Google + but none of this has helped.
So in a rare move here on my blog, I am asking anyone who can shed some light on these things to please do so. You can comment here, go to Deacon Mike Talbot on Facebook and Twitter or you can email me at abitadeacon@yahoo.com
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