Sunday, August 11, 2013

Community of Deacons celebrates St. Lawrence in New Orleans

As promised; a little look back on a long, blessed and faith-filled Saturday.  Starting with the last event of the day; our Community of Deacons celebrate the Feast of St. Lawrence!!  Every August 10th, the Archdiocese of New Orleans diaconate community gathers with a Mass and fellowship.  We recall the heroic witness of one of our deacon patrons; the great St. Lawrence, deacon & martyr.  Normally, our Archbishop celebrates the Mass and last night Archbishop Aymond presided and preached.  He encouraged us to persevere in ministry and proclaiming faithfully the Word of God!!  This message took on extra meaning this night as our 20 candidates, who comprise the next class to be ordained in 2015, were installed to the office of lector, also known as reader.  Now this is different from all the folks who faithfully serve as lectors in our local parishes.  These men receive a minor office, installed as a lector by the Archbishop, along the journey toward ordination.  Each candidate kneels before the Archbishop, touches a book of Scripture, will the Archbishop reads an oath to each candidate.  They respond in the affirmative and become lectors.  This minor order will be followed in a year by the next step, becoming instituted acolytes, then a year after that, ordination becoming Permanent Deacons.

Last night, in addition to family and friends, these candidates had about 100 of our community of Deacons present along with their wives.  After Mass, we gathered together for a community meal, fellowship, a chance to catch up with one another, to share stories of ministries and family events.

More than a handful of the Deacons sacrifice their evening to do the heavy lifting; cooking, serving, preparing the hall.  It is a tangible witness to what the Order of Deacons is truly all about.

As is always the case, the evening is complete with wonderful blessings; honoring St, Lawrence, having our Archbishop spending time with us, his Deacons, the celebration of Mass, 100 deacons processing in church in dalmatics, supporting our candidates, food and fellowship! 

We will do this again in December on the feast of St. Stephen and then again next year for good St. Lawrence.  St. Lawrence, deacon & martyr, pray for us!

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