Sunday, May 26, 2013

Truthfully, my parish is named for one God, in three Persons

Yes, my parish is named Most Holy Trinity so technically, today was our patronal feast day.  Now it seems kind of strange to me to call the Most Holy Trinity our patron but in this case, that is what we got!  We are named for the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  I noticed today we sang Oh, Most Holy Trinity, Undivided Unity a little louder at Mass today.

I assisted at two Masses today that were presided by our priest in residence.  He has quite a unique gift to turn a phrase or even tell a joke, or two.  And he has quite a gift to help us understand that which seems to impossible to understand.  He explained that the Greeks had a word for trinity that basically broken down means perimeter and choreography.  Within the Godhead, the dance continues between the Father & the Son; their total gift of self to each other and their total love for each other.  And that self-gift, that love is the great dance between Father & Son that is the Holy Spirit.  And yet we realize that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, always were, are and will be.  Yes the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is quite the mystery; a mystery that requires a life of faith to embrace.

Oh Most Holy Trinity, undivided unity, Holy God, Mighty God, God immortal be adored!!!

May the Most Holy Trinity have mercy on us: the people of Most Holy Trinity Parish, Covington LA.

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