Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happiness & freedom must be eternal

Read the Catechism in a Year image
Read the Catechism in a Year

Day 221 - Happiness and Freedom

What is eternal happiness? 
Eternal happiness is seeing God and being taken up into God’s happiness.
In God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit there is unending life, joy, and communion. To be taken up into it will be an incomprehensible, infinite happiness for us men. This happiness is the pure gift of God’s grace, for we men can neither bring it about ourselves nor comprehend it in its magnitude. God would like us to decide in favor of our happiness; we should choose God freely, love him above all things, do good and avoid evil insofar as we are able. 
What is freedom and what is it for? 
Freedom is the God-given power to be able to act of one’s own accord; a person who is free no longer acts under the influence of someone else.
God created us as free men and wills our freedom so that we might decide wholeheartedly in favor of the good, indeed for the greatest “good”—in other words, for God. The more we do what is good, the freer we become.  (YOUCAT questions 285-286)

Dig Deeper: Corresponding CCC section (1721-1733) and other references here.

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