Monday, September 19, 2011

The Permanent Deacon on vacation

So the Chicago vacation continues and when last I posted my thoughts were about being behind enemy lines on Saints/Bears Sunday.  Then I had that unexpected pleasure of meeting the Cardinal and next thing I know I'm watching the Bears have their way with the Saints in the 1st quarter.  So my wife announces to me that we are off for a 4-hour tour of all things Chicago?!  What.  But it's game day.  The look on her face won out; hands down.  And we really rode a tour bus for 4 hours; I did not know that was possible.  I should know everything you need to know about Chicago.  The tour had lots of interesting things to take in and process but for some strange reason I remember most the following 3 things: we past Soldier Field at about the exact time the final score came in; who dat and geaux Saints sounded good circiling Soldier Field.  Only the bus driver gave a darn.  Everybody else was lousy tourists with no sense of humor.  And I remember the big Buckingham fountain because it was the shot that began every episode of Married with Children(yeah I watched it; but get off my case; I confessed that years ago).  Finally, we past the house that the Obama's lived in and still own til this day, not once but twice.  I guess it's cool to have a sitting President from your hometown(even if it is Obama).

Other than that, the tour guide described every minute detail of the architecture of every building, the names of every performer that graced this night club, or that venue, what the significance of every statue meant to the locals and long descriptions of two universities, Illinois Technical and the University of Chicago.  Hey, never really heard of them, they ain't in the SEC and I've never seen either listed in the AP Top 25.  But it was cool visiting your campus.  Now keep in mind, this is what I'm doing while the Saints are trouncing da Bears.  We past one watering hole and I thought the worst; Bears fans were outside in full Bear regalia doing what I thought was some type of victory dance.  Turns out they were just drunk.  Drank all there "Bears got there butts whipped" cares away on a Chicago Sunday afternoon.

After a great nights sleep, we dedicated ourselves to a long Monday of musuem hoping and aquarium visting and traversing 103 floors to the top of the Sears Tower; which I found out, much to my dismay, is not the Sears Tower.  It's called something else, but the view from the top was magnificent.  As was the museums and such.  But the day was long although it is so cool and pleasant up here compared to home.

So my Chicago adventure continues for another day and we hop back on that train. 

I'll say it again: everyone needs a little time away.  Vacations are good things.  And taking vacation just you and the spouse is great!  For me, as both the Permanent Deacon and a fulltime banker guy, this was eye-opening.  Unfortunately, I feel a little guilty as so much continues marching on in deacon ministry.  Even on vacation I missed my parish family, my deacon candidates and aspirants in formation and the many things that ministry involves me with.  I'm feeling not so guilty about that work thingy.  All that stuff can just wait for next week!

Looking forward to more updates and yes, to returning soon to my life on the Northshore and ministering to God's people!

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