Our diaconate community has been blessed with robust formation activity which has led to 3 ordinations in just the past 5 years. In 2006, 2008 and 2010 we have added new deacons to the ranks of our Permanent Diaconate community. In 2012, another 20 men will be ordained. They are a little more than three and a half years through a five year program.
Before they begin the fall session, with more classes including homiletics and spiritual direction, the men and their wives participate in a 3-day retreat. And that retreat concluded today on the beautiful grounds of St. Joseph Abbey. I was so privileged to assist our diaconate director and assistant director in presenting this retreat which we called A Simple Path. The Simple Path refers to a book about Mother Teresa and the Simple Path she and her order follow in ministering to the poor and unwanted. It follows the formula of: the fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, and the fruit of service is peace.
Deacons Ray, Steve and yours truly presented each of these "fruits" in context of the spirituality of those in formation and the diaconate. The retreatants, who were under the discipline of silence for the weekend, were given ample time after each presentation for silent reflection, spiritual journaling and relaxation. Being on the beautiful Abbey grounds they could walk in the woods, stroll alongside the dignified Abbey cemetary, sit in the solitude of the Abbey church or the retreat center chapel. The retreat also offered Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Lauds and Vespers chanted by the monks in the Abbey Church and Mass.
The retreat, like others during formation, are an important part of their spiritual dimension along the journey to possible ordination. Although they have been together since the spring of 2008, there is much more to occur before December of 2012. This retreat was one such milepost. And soon, in 10 days to be exact, these men will be insituted as acolytes; the final minor order before Holy Orders.
As these men and women return home today and prepare for the next step in their journey, please pray with me that they will remain on the Simple Path.
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