Thursday, August 18, 2022

Turning to Mary for guidance for Europe and the world


Pope Francis prays before the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, during his visit to the Shrine of Jasna Gora in 2016Pope Francis prays before the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, during his visit to the Shrine of Jasna Gora in 2016 

Pope Francis: 'May Mary guide the destiny of Europe and the world'

Pope Francis prays for Mary to guide the destiny of Europe and the world, help us put Christ and the Gospel first, and reiterates that his thoughts are always with war-torn Ukraine and its suffering people.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

"May the Black Madonna help guide the destiny of Europe and the world."

The Holy Father expressed this prayer during his Wednesday General Audience in the Vatican when addressing Polish-speaking faithful and pilgrims present.

The Pope remembered the thousands of pilgrims making a pilgrimage to the shrine of Jasna Góra in recent days, praying for peace and reconciliation in the world. He recalled that among them are many Ukrainians "who have found in your country a hospitable home."

“We entrust the destiny of Europe and the world to the Black Madonna. I bless you from my heart.”

Never forget Ukraine

Pope Francis said his thoughts always go toward war-torn Ukraine.

As the war continues to wage on after the Russian invasion of its neighbour, the Holy Father repeated his appeal not to forget that suffering people nor grow accustomed to the war.

“My thoughts, as always, go to Ukraine: let us not forget that martyred people.”

The Pope has made countless appeals for the country and has offered to do anything possible to help bring an end to the war.

He has expressed repeatedly his interest in going to both Moscow and Kyiv and has reiterated the Holy See's availability to help with mediation.

Mary, helping us prioritize Christ

The Pope prayed that young people, elderly and newlyweds, let Mary actively work in their lives just days after the recently-celebrated Solemnity of the Assumption.

“May Mary help everyone to always put Christ and the Gospel first.”

The Pope said Our Lady's Feast Day "invites us to live our worldly journey, with dedication, constantly oriented toward eternal goods."

After the Pope spent his Audience stressing the link between the elderly and the young having the power to save humanity, toward the end of the Audience, a little boy unexpectedly ran up to the Pope on the stage and stayed beside him a while.

Let us pray for vocations

The Holy Father greeted with particular affection the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception who are celebrating their General Chapter.

Noting they were in the Curia in Buenos Aires, Pope Francis said, "I know them well."

“Dear sisters, I invoke upon you copious gifts of the Holy Spirit and I invite you to cooperate generously for evangelisation, especially of the younger generations and the most fragile people.”

"Let us pray for vocations," he said.

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