Sunday, May 15, 2022

2022 Clergy assignments in Diocese of Baton Rouge


May 14, 2022
by The Chancery

In consultation with the Clergy Personnel Board, Bishop Michael Duca makes the following appointments effective 01 July 2022:

Retirement of Pastors

Father Phil Spanocurrently Pastor of Most Blessed Sacrament in Baton Rouge, will retire from active parish administration.

Father Miles Walsh, currently Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus in Baton Rouge, will retire from active parish administration.

The Diocese of Baton Rouge thanks these priests for their many years of service to the people of our local Church!

Leave of Absence

Father Joseph Vucurrently Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary in St. Amant, has requested a leave of absence from active ministry, and Bishop Duca has granted this request effective 01 July 2022.

Reassignment of Religious Clergy

As was previously announced, the priests and deacons of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) stationed in Hammond have been reassigned by their Superior to other ministries outside of the Diocese of Baton Rouge. We are grateful for the ministry of these priests and deacons including Father Roberto Merced, OP, currently Pastor of Holy Ghost in Hammond, Father Cayet Mangiaracina, OP, currently Parochial Vicar of Holy Ghost in Hammond, Father Michael O’Rourke, OP, currently Chaplain of St. Albert the Great Student Center in Hammond, and Deacon Mauricio Salazar, OP, currently Deacon Assistant at Holy Ghost in Hammond. Their service will end on 30 June 2022.

Pastor Appointments

Father David Dawsoncurrently Parochial Vicar of St. George in Baton Rouge, is appointed Pastor of St. Frances Cabrini in Livonia, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Maringouin, and St. Joseph in Grosse Tete.

Father Arun John, IMScurrently Administrator of St. Frances Cabrini in Livonia, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Maringouin, and St. Joseph in Grosse Tete, is appointed Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Brusly.

Father Joshua Johnsoncurrently Parochial Vicar of Christ the King at LSU in Baton Rouge, is appointed Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus in Baton Rouge. Father Johnson will retain his diocesan assignment as Vocations Director.

Father C. Todd Lloydcurrently Pastor of Immaculate Conception in Lakeland, is appointed Pastor of Most Blessed Sacrament in Baton Rouge.

Father Matthew Lorraincurrently Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Brusly, is appointed Pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in St. Amant.

Father Amrit Raj, IMScurrently Parochial Vicar of St. Frances Cabrini in Livonia, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Maringouin, and St. Joseph in Grosse Tete, is appointed Pastor of Immaculate Conception in Lakeland.

Father Tomi Thomas, IMScurrently Administrator of St. Jules in Belle Rose and St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Paincourtville, is appointed Pastor of these same communities.

Administrator Appointments

Father Jamin Davidcurrently Pastor of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland in Albany, is appointed Administrator of Holy Ghost in Hammond and St. Albert the Great Student Center in Hammond. He will retain his appointment as Pastor of St. Margaret in Albany and his several diocesan responsibilities including his service as Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia. He will be relieved of his responsibilities as Director of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate.

Parochial Vicar Appointments

Father Bernard Banaresa priest of the Diocese of Legazpi in the Philippines, is appointed as Parochial Vicar of St. George in Baton Rouge. 
(This assignment date is effective pending the processing of his religious visa.)

Father Mathew Dunncurrently Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist in Prairieville, is appointed as Parochial Vicar of Holy Ghost in Hammond.

Father Tim Grimescurrently Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph the Worker Church in Pierre Part, is appointed as Parochial Vicar of Sacred Heart of Jesus in Baton Rouge.

Father Charbel Jamhourya priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order, is appointed as Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Mercy in Baton Rouge.
(This assignment date is effective pending the processing of his religious visa.)

Diaconate Appointments

In consultation with the Clergy Personnel Board, Bishop Michael Duca makes the following appointments effective 01 July 2022:

Deacon John Veroncurrently Deacon Assistant at St. George in Baton Rouge, is appointed as Deacon Assistant at St. Gabriel the Archangel in St. Gabriel. He will retain his assignment as Director of the Office of Diaconate Life and Ministry.

Diaconate Appointments

(Those Being Ordained 28 May 2022)

In consultation with the Vocations Office and the Clergy Personnel Board, Bishop Michael Duca makes the following appointments effective 30 May 2022:

Deacon Albert Blount is appointed as Deacon Assistant at Immaculate Conception in Denham Springs.

Deacon Joseph Bresowar is appointed as Deacon Assistant at St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland in Albany.

Diaconate Appointments

(Those Being Ordained 13 August 2022)

In consultation with the Office of the Diaconate, the Office of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate, and the Clergy Personnel Board, Bishop Michael Duca makes the following appointments effective 15 August 2022:

Deacon Ed Hanks is appointed as Deacon Assistant at St. Joseph in Ponchatoula with his assigned Ministry of Charity to serve as a Volunteer Chaplain at North Oaks Medical Center in Hammond.

Deacon Tram Phan is appointed as Deacon Assistant at Sts. Anthony of Padua and Emmanuel Le Van Phung in Baton Rouge with his assigned Ministry of Charity to minister to the infirm in Nursing Homes in North Baton Rouge in cooperation with the Diocesan Office of Life, Peace, and Justice. Deacon Phan will also serve as Diocesan Liaison to the Vietnamese Apostolate.

Deacon Randall Waguespack is appointed as Deacon Assistant at Holy Ghost in Hammond.

Deacon Pat Witty is appointed as Deacon Assistant at St. Mary of False River in New Roads with his assigned Ministry of Charity to the infirm at Pointe Coupee General Hospital and Pointe Coupee Hospice.

Other Appointments

Father Peter Dangcurrently Chaplain to the Baton Rouge General Medical Center in Baton Rouge and in residence at Our Lady of Mercy in Baton Rouge will retain his chaplaincy while in residence at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Baton Rouge.

Father Reuben Dykes is appointed Secretary of the Evangelization Secretariat. Father Dykes will retain his assignment as Pastor of Mater Dolorosa in Independence and Dean of the Northeast Deanery. He will replace Father Ryan Hallford as Secretary of Evangelization.

Father Paul Gros is appointed Director of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate. He will replace Fr. Jamin David who has served in this capacity for numerous years. Father Gros will be relieved of his assignment as Chaplain of St. Thomas Aquinas Diocesan Regional High School in Hammond.

Further announcements from the Bishop’s Office will be forthcoming.

Congratulations to all these men on their new appointments!

Given at the Chancery of Baton Rouge

14 May 2022, the Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle

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