Monday, February 9, 2015

Pope Francis says we are responsible for preserving the Earth

Pope's Morning Homily: Christians Have a Duty to Care for Creation

Highlights the Responsibility of Preserving the Earth during Morning Mass

Vatican City, ( Junno Arocho Esteves   

Christians have a duty and a responsibility to care for the Earth. This was the theme of the Holy Father's homily today at Casa Santa Marta.

The Holy Father reflected on today's first reading, which recalled the story of Creation from the Book of Genesis, and the Gospel which recounted Jesus' ministry of preaching and healing. Jesus, he said, is a 'second creation' who comes "to re-create that which was ruined by sin."
As reported by Vatican Radio, the Pope explained that this second creation is even more wonderful than the first, and reveals the work of persevering in the faith. The first creation, which was born from the love of God, also reveals our work in caring for the Earth.
"To the 'first creation' we should respond with the responsibility that the Lord gives us: 'The Earth is yours, bring it forward; subdue it; make grow'. Even for us there is the responsibility to make the Earth grow, to make Creation grow, to take care of it and make it grow according to its laws. We are lords of Creation, not masters."
The Jesuit Pope went on to say that caring for creation is not just the concern of environmentalists, but of Christians.
"It is our response to the 'first creation' of God. It is our responsibility!" he exclaimed. "A Christian that does not care for creation, that does not make it grow, is a Christian who doesn't care about the work of God; that work born from the love of God for us. And this is the first answer to the first creation: to care for Creation, to make it grow."
Concluding his homily, Pope Francis stressed the importance of not grieving the Holy Spirit, who is "within us and works in us" as well as heeding the call of the Holy Trinity in maintaining and preserving Creation.
"To all three we respond: to care and make Creation grow, to let ourselves be reconciled with Jesus, with God in Jesus, in Christ, every day, and to not sadden the Holy Spirit, do not drive it away: it is the guest of our hearts, who accompanies us, who makes it grow."

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