Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fr. Dwight tackles the reported Pope/Cardinal, liberal/conservative mess the lame stream media whips up

Is There a Burke-Francis Feud?

Raymond Cardinal Burke
Raymond Cardinal Burke
This week’s article for Aleteia analyzes whether there is a personal feud between Cardinal Burke and Pope Francis
There is gossip galore in the little world of the universal church. American Cardinal Raymond Burke has been transferred from his powerful post as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura to an honorary post of Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The secular press are having a heyday with this news, painting Cardinal Burke as the archconservative, gay-hating opposite of the genial and openhearted, nonjudgmental Pope Francis.
There can be no argument with the fact that Cardinal Burke is a conservative. A supporter of the old Latin Mass, and known for wearing the grand traditional trappings of a cardinal, Cardinal Burke would certainly appear to be the antithesis of the plain-dressing, plain-speaking pope from Argentina.
Go here to read the whole article.

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