Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So where you been all day Deacon

Every now and again someone will comment that they might not see a daily update on the blog to way late at night.  I appreciate the comment because that means someone is watching, and paying attention!  Part of the reason this occurs is because I'm not the best connected guy in the world.  I do not update my blog from any electronic devices, I don't carry my laptop around, and my work computer system is for work.  Oh yea, one more reason; more days than not, I am busy.

On occasion I like to update a day in the life of the Deacon, keeping in mind that this Deacon still works a fulltime job as a bank manager, lives about 15 miles in the country from just about anywhere and cherishes his roles as husband, dad and Pops!!  Today was an early wake up call for work and an intense 5 hours of work since I needed to leave early for a doctor's appointment and a personal errand.  Keep in mind that as the day is now approaching 3 pm I have not yet even stopped for lunch.  Also keep in mind that this is reality for all the Permanent Deacons who serve the Church and become a visible sign of Christ the Servant.  We go to work, we run errands, we cut the grass, we go to the doctors appointment, we take care of our wives, children, and grandkids, we pay the bills, we live life.  In the midst of this very real reality we also attend to our ministries, responsibilities and commitments as the Deacon.  So after a late lunch and a personal appointment I headed to MHT parish to prepare for an evening that included meeting with my brother Deacon about liturgy assignments, meeting all the new altar boys who were attending their first training session, facilitated the adult faith formation Q & A, then conducted important baptismal seminars for two young couples anxiously awaiting the Baptism of their newborns.

Why do I share this?  Please do not feel pity or be compelled to praise for that which I share; no.  Just keep in mind, when you encounter the Deacon, most often at your local parish, that he serves because he has answered God's call, God's invitation, that he loves his ministries and responsibilities, and he does so freely, with joy, while being/doing all those other important things listed above.

I got home tonight at 9:15 and slapped down some dinner.  All in all it was a 14 hour day away from the house.  It is a long day but one filled with great joy because I know, I really truly know, that I am doing His will, I am serving His Church, i.e., His people, and He gives me the strength, courage and enthusiasm to do it all for the Kingdom!!

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