Friday, February 15, 2013

Stations of the Cross and Fish Fry's; can they coexist

In these neck of the woods more than just a handful of Catholic Churches pray the Stations of the Cross in the evening while across campus, or even in facilities attached the Church, there is fried fish for sale.  Sometimes these events are going on at the same time.  Is this a problem or a great opportunity?  What say you?

My first full time experience with a good old fashion Catholic parish fish fry was during my days as the Grand Knight for my local Knights of Columbus Council.  I can attest, that at least in our case, the reinstitution of Friday night fish fry's in Lent was a sincere and honest attempt to generate more turnout for the parish Stations of the Cross.  In our case, these fish fry's did indeed increase Stations attendance from 50 or 60 to well over a hundred, maybe closer to 150!  Over the years, this has continued to be the case although there have been a few concerns that the atmosphere in the parish hall is too much fun and why does the ladies auxilliary sell desserts?

Hmmm, a little Catholic guilt!!  How dare those Catholics fellowship while sharing a meal.  How dare those Catholics eating a piece of pie or cake during Lent?  Look, I get it.  Many of us see Lent as a more deeply spiritual time and we cringe when we see others passing through this penetential season less than soberly.  Of course not everyone who visits the parish hall is even Catholic; the fish fry is open to the public.  And not everyone has refrained from sweets during Lent.  Yes, this is true!

All I know is this; some 13 years ago these fish fry dinners seemed to give a great boost to not only attendance at Stations of the Cross, but a more robust and celebrated feeling of community and family.

Yes, a meal should not be the main motivation to pray the Stations of the Cross in community.  But at least in my home town, and the surrounding Catholic parishes, Stations of the Cross and fish fry's more than coexist; they thrive!

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