Responding to a call together |
Diaconate candidates begin a new year of study and formation with the support of their wives |
Posted: 08.09.2012 |
The men gathered in worship with their wives sang the closing hymn of Mass, “Let Us Build the City of God,” with much spiritual enthusiasm.
For the men who have heard the call to the vocation of the diaconate, the song culminated a retreat that kicked off a new term of study, dedication, sacrifice and formation as they continue to respond to God and follow the path to holy orders. The weekend retreat for permanent deacon candidates and their wives concluded with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito July 29 at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center. Bishop Barbarito praised the diaconate program, saying it was one of the “best,” and he gave recognition to Deacon Dennis Demes, director of the diocesan Office of Formation for Permanent Deacons, and his outstanding leadership. He also thanked the men now going to great lengths and taking steps toward becoming members of the clergy and serving the Church. “I express my gratitude to you for listening to the call of God, and I continue to support you on this journey,” he said. The words “deacon” and “diaconate” come from the Greek word “diakonia,” which means service or ministry. Deacons can baptize, witness marriages, perform funerals and burial services outside of Mass, distribute holy Communion and preach the homily. A deacon receives holy orders during ordination and is then considered a member of the clergy. “Men in the formation program devote five years of their life to human development, including speaking and relational skills, the study of sacred theology, spiritual development and pastoral development,” Deacon Demes said. “These men, by God’s grace, will one day assist the bishop and priests of our diocese in the care of the people of God.” The process of becoming a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Palm Beach begins with discernment of God’s call through prayer and reflection. The next step is talking with a spiritual director and a pastor. At the present time, 105 deacons serve in the diocese. Of this figure, a total of 53 deacons have come through the diocesan formation program since its inception in 2002. According to Deacon Demes, figures show that the number of deacons serving the Church is on the rise, and deacons currently minister in all but one diocese in the United States. Estimates indicate that there are 17,047 permanent deacons in the United States and perhaps as many as 16,349 still in active ministry. Jean Serge Dube, a parishioner of St. Peter in Jupiter, heard the call and answered. He has been in the program for four years and has his sights set on being a deacon next year. “I felt God calling me and I tried to figure out which way to serve him best,” he said. “I felt this is the best way to serve him and the Church. This is what God is calling me to do. Through baptism we are all called to serve.” After more study, formation and parish ministry participation, Dube hopes to be ordained a permanent deacon Sept. 7, 2013, at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens with three other candidates — Dennis Beauregard of St. John the Cross in Vero Beach, Pedro DelValle of St. Thérèse de Lisieux in Wellington and Henry Farinas of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Port St. Lucie. Susan Beauregard joined her husband at the retreat. She said that she is excited for her husband and can’t wait for his ordination. “I totally support him,” she said. “I have learned so much.” The women to whom the Florida Catholic spoke all said they are learning as their husbands learn. They totally support their aspiring deacon spouses, but confessed that there are times of sacrifice. The program takes husbands away from the family and duties. Some of the men, who work full-time jobs, must shift work schedules to attend events and studies at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. The drive alone to the seminary for men living in the northern part of the diocese is a big commitment of time. But the women also said there are many benefits that go along with their husbands’ participation in the diaconate program. “I have made good friends,” Maureen Farinas, wife of Henry Farinas, told the Florida Catholic as she turned and gave Susan Beauregard a big hug. “The wives do things together. We have become good friends.” As the new year begins, the diaconate program consists of 18 candidates currently in various stages of formation. The program welcomes seven new men who will begin in January 2013, bringing the total number of candidates to 25. Deacon Bob Rodriguez of St. Thérèse de Lisieux completed the program and received holy orders two years ago. “Being a deacon has changed my life radically,” he said. “It has been such a wonderful experience serving the community and the people of God. I feel blessed every day. I found this to be a wonderful experience and a wonderful way to give myself to God more totally. It has given me a closer relationship to God, to my wife and to my family. It has made me a better man all around. I enjoy teaching and ministering to the people of God.” |
reflections, updates and homilies from Deacon Mike Talbot inspired by the following words from my ordination: Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach...
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