Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What is the real Pro-Life thing to do in this years election?

As I wait to see what transpires tonight in Iowa I find myself asking what is the right pro-life thing to do?  Is there a right way to be pro-life in politics?  How can we vote in a manner that will REALLY do the most good for the unborn?  And are we to consider other tenets of the pro-life mantra; from conception to natural death, when voting?

We all know that the Bishops have only reissued for this election cycle the same voting guidelines issued for the 2008 election.  Thanks be to God, unlike other religious denominations, the Catholic Church will never tell the Catholic in the pew who to vote for or what political party to belong to.  But she most certainly does tell the faithful to vote and vote with an informed conscience.

Here, in my humble OPINION, and as a Deacon this can only be my OPINION, is the dilema:  Let's say we examine candidate A, B, C and D on one side of the equation, all touting themselves as pro-life.  They absolutely don't like Roe v. Wade and detest abortion on demand.  But maybe A and B are ultra-conservative(and by saying this I mean nothing about being right or wrong) and stand four-square against abortion, no exceptions, no nothing.  I may even embrace that same position personally, morally and politically.  Now we have candidate C and D; still against abortion and no fan of Roe v. Wade either, but perhaps their political rhetoric is not quite as strong.  Perhaps they even flirt with the exceptions clauses.  So our natural reaction as faith filled folks is to say candidate A and B is my choice.  But then political reality sets in and it is more than just conjecture that in the general election A and B stand a snowmans chance in hell of winning.  And oh yea, by the way, the only candidate from the other side is about as pro-death as it comes.  In fact the pro-death candidate has done more to advance the pro-death agenda than any other candidate since Roe v. Wade became law; even an unjust law.  But guess what; C and D have a fair or even better than fair chance to win and oust that pro-death candidiate. 

When we have to enter that booth and close the curtain, it's just me and God and my vote, right?  Right!  Do I stick with candidate A or B because they hold the strongest position that adheres to my believes and my Catholic faith, but by sticking with them, I just reelected candidate pro-death?  Or maybe I vote candidate C or D, pro-life remember, but not as strong as I would like.  But one of them, don't matter who, but one of them wins and we say bye-bye to candidate pro-death. 

I offer this as something to sincerely think about.  And let me remind us all of another fact.  You know there was a day when this country elected a pro-life President, and for a brief time, had a pro-life congress.  Yet we remained a pro-death country.  Ouch.  Much to think and pray about tonight as election 2012 really gets started with the Iowa caucus.

And by the way, do we, especially as Catholics weigh for consideration the candidates stance on the death penalty, euthanasia or even using embryos for research?  Shouldn't we?  Are our Catholic clerics consistent when teaching all of us on these issues.  And of course we can't forget the sanctity of marriage and protecting the definition of marriage too.

The Catholic Church is so well entrenched as a pro-life Church and so she is.  Yet our flock will go in many different directions over the many weeks and months ahead.  And we will even struggle to unite with our other Christian brothers and sisters as this election heats up.

Can we take this prayer?  Can we follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit?  And can we avoid devouring each other as we struggle individually and as a people as we face the election of 2012?

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